I have been doing astrophotography since I was in High School. At that time, I took photos of the bright astronomical objects, the milky way, and the constellations with my SLR camera. In college, I stepped that up a notch and for my senior research for my Physics degree, I took photographs of T-Tauri stars in the Orion Nebula so that I could do photometric analyses and light curves to understand the periodicity in the stellar brightness changes. Also as part of my senior research, I worked on getting our college observatory set up to do astronomical observations and automated astrophotography. Since I graduated, I have not lost my interest in astrophotography, but I have transitioned to taking images of objects that I find beautifiul instead of taking photos for research purposes. I started after college using a DSLR for my astrophotography, but I have transitioned to using a dedicated astronomical CCD camera. I am hoping that through the articles in this section, I can share some information about my own astrophotography, help those who are interested in getting started in astrophotography, and share some information about how to improve your astrophotgraphy techniques.